FNHS HUD Healthy Homes Program General Information

This HUD Healthy Homes is a program of Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services (FNHS) that will remediate up to 120 income-qualified houses within the Fairbanks North Star Borough, aiming to save you money and make your home safer. Both renters and homeowners are eligible to apply. (Renters will need homeowner’s permission.)

Income qualification is based on HUD’s Low-income 80% limit (shown below) for the Fairbanks median income:

FY 2024 Low-Income (80%) Limit for Fairbanks
1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
$60,700 $69,400 $78,050 $86,700 $93,650 $100,600 $107,550 $114,450

FNHS Healthy Homes program can address some or all of the following:

  • Replace or install smoke/CO alarms and fire extinguishers as needed
  • Replace or install exhaust fans in the bathroom and/or kitchen to control high humidity levels In homes
  • Insulate the attic to prevent heat loss and ice damming in the winter
  • Insulation and weather stripping retrofits to prevent cold drafts, uneven temperatures, and high energy costs
  • Window replacement in homes with cracked windowpanes or rotten window boxes
  • Repair of broken stairs or porches, and/or adding guardrails where none are present
  • Replace uneven and broken floor coverings to prevent tripping hazard
  • Repair holes in walls
  • Replace/repair broken door handles and/or locks
  • Provide safe storage options in homes with guns, chemicals, or other dangerous/hazardous substances
  • Install/replace gutters to direct water away from the foundation and prevent moisture issues
  • Address accessibility needs of tenants with items such as grab bars, lever door handles, lever faucets, ramps, or other items that will increase accessibility
  • Repair/replace heating appliances when the existing one cannot pass a combustion safety test or is not able to keep the household warm
  • Repair electrical problems such as broken outlets or bringing electrical service up to code
  • Repair or replace pluming that is causing high energy costs and/or leading to moisture problems
  • Repair plumbing leaks

In the majority of cases, FNHS Healthy Homes program will not be able to address:

  • Roof issues
  • Foundation issues
  • Kitchen appliance upgrades
  • Exterior paint and finish issues

Qualification and/or acceptance to the program is not a determination of work to be performed on the home. An assessment of each qualified applicant must be completed and improvements will be made based on the priority of safety needs and funds available.

Participation Requirements

  1. Meet all eligibility requirements.
  2. Submit to a pre-survey of your home.

A pre-survey will be necessary to assess remediation that may be needed. This survey must be conducted in your home with at least one adult representative present. The survey, and your own priorities, will be conducted to assess the presence of hazards in and around the home. This survey will help to inform a work plan for your home.

  1. Submit homeowner’s authorization (if you do not own the home).

Before remediation work can begin, applicants will be required to submit an informed consent agreement, signed by the owner of the home/property. The agreement will cover the following:

a. Safety policies to be followed during remediation activities.

b. The specific remediation activities that will occur in the home along with an estimate for the time for remediation.

c. Any pre-remediation work, such as clearing a workspace, which must be completed by home occupants.

d. The need to learn and follow the operation and maintenance requirements of any retrofits.

e. Appointment of homeowner representative(s) to aid in coordinating site-visits, remediation, and other required activities.

f. Plan for where residents will be staying if they cannot remain in the home during remediation.

  1. Homeowners/renters will have to let professionals into their home at pre-determined times.
  2. Submit to a post-survey visit to verify that the improvements were done.

If you would like an application emailed to you need assistance, please contact our office at 907-451-7230